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The Office of Academic Advising website has an ample amount of information including an overview of being pre-law at Rice, additional resources, and answers to frequently asked questions. This Fall 2020, they will be hosting a number of informational virtual events for Rice students interested in law, including a Law School Personal Statement Workshop (September 30, 2020) and a Rice Night with Harvard Law School Admissions (October 19, 2020). Visit their website and feel free to request a specialized advising session in order to learn more.


There is no recommended undergraduate major for law school and therefore there are no pre-requisite courses. However, Rice does provide its students with a variety of options to allow them the opportunity to begin to explore some of what the field has to offer. 

*Based on the 2018-2019 academic year course offerings.

ANTH 326: Law, Power, and Culture 

ANTH 396: Law and Resistance 

ANTH 526: Law, Power, and Culture 

ANTH 596: Law and Resistance 

CEVE 406: Intro to Environmental Law 

COLL 201: Introduction to Law 

ECON 239: Law and Economics 

ECON 439: Adv Topics in Law and Econ 

ENST 406: Intro to Environmental Law 

HUMA 315: Communication Law 

HUMA 404: Law Practicum 

HUMA 405: Law Internship 2 

MACC 502: Business Law for Accountants

MGMT 521: Business Law 

MGMT 661: International Business Law

MGMT 721: Business Law 

MGMT 961: Business Law 

MGMT 962: Applied Contract Law 

MUSI 405: Music and Business Law 

NEUR 525: Neuroscience and Law 

PHIL 116: Intro to the Philosophy of Law 

PHIL 316: Philosophy of Law 

PHIL 516: Seminar in Philsophy of Law 

PLST 305: Introduction to Law 

POLI 321: American Constitutional Law 

RELI 109: Religion and Law 

SMGT 364: Sport Law 

SMGT 464: Advanced Sport Law 

SOCI 325: Sociology of Law 

SOCI 349: Crime, Law, and Justice in Popular Culture 

SOCI 396: Law and Resistance 

SOSC 405: Law Practicum 


**This is by no means a complete list; other clubs to look into include: Rice Examiner, Rice University Public Speaking, UCourt

Baker Institute Student Forum (BISF)

"The Baker Institute Student Forum promotes policy engagement and discussion on campus. By hosting informal, student-led events, BISF enables policy-minded students to grapple with contemporary issues and make interdisciplinary connections. Through formal events with Baker Institute fellows, BISF links undergraduates with scholars in a wide range of policy areas. BISF also sponsors an undergraduate policy competition and publishes an undergraduate public policy journal."


Civic Duty Rice 

"Civic Duty Rice is a chapter of the national organization Civic Duty. Civic Duty's mission is to promote and increase youth civic engagement across a spectrum of activities, from increasing youth voter turnout and electoral activity to growing youth involvement in community service. Civic Duty Rice in particular strives to engage Rice students and Houston area youth in civic education and community outreach initiatives. We aim to teach young people the importance of civic engagement and to empower them to create change in their communities through increased service activity, political activism/efficacy, and voter participation. We will start out by producing a podcast that communicates current local and national events to the Rice community, analyzes the relevance of these events to Rice students, and suggests direct ways for Rice students to get more involved in the community. By offering a new medium for Rice students to become civically engaged, we hope to serve as a unique call-to-action on campus. We will expand beyond our podcast as well and directly interact with the surrounding community, by offering civic education enrichment in local schools and connecting Rice students with this opportunity."


Rice University College Republicans 

"Our goal is not only to provide a venue for conservative students to meet with like minded individuals, but expose all students to differing points of view and conservative thought through campus speakers and events."


Rice University Federalist Society Chapter 

"The Federalist Society is committed to promoting and facilitating dialogue and discussion on the pressing law and policy question that face our nation."​


Rice University Mock Trial 

"The purpose of Rice U Mock Trial is to compete against other universities at tournaments, both local and national, while following the National AMTA (American Mock Trial Association) rules."​


Rice Young Democrats

"The purpose of the Rice Democrats is to engage Rice students in the political process by bringing community leaders to campus, hosting issue-based events, and holding voter registration drives."

©2020 Rice University Pre-Law Society

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